Grievance Process

Outlines the grievance process available to candidates for the Colorado Medication Assistant certification exam

Each candidate has a right to file a grievance to complain or contest the result of their Medication Assistant Exam. Credentia will follow up on each grievance within ten (10) calendar days of receipt of the candidate grievance application. 

Examples of grievances include poor directions resulting in lateness, problems with site equipment, layout of exam delivery, or use of nonstandard equipment. 

  • Grievance applications must be submitted through the Credentia platform. You must provide as much detail as possible. The grievance must be submitted within thirty (30) days of your exam date.
  • Appeals are available if your grievance was denied/rejected. You have the ability to submit one (1) appeal.
  • If your grievance is denied/rejected, you have fifteen (15) days following the initial grievance outcome to apply for an appeal.
  • After Credentia has received your grievance and appeal forms, you will receive an acknowledgement of your request, and your request will be investigated. For grievances, the result of the investigation will be sent to you within thirty (30) days of form submittal. For appeals, you will receive correspondence within four (4) business days.

For details on how to submit an appeals or grievance, visit and click on “Grievances” in the Resources section of the webpage.