Application and Scheduling

Guides candidates through registration and scheduling procedures for the Medication Assistant Examination in Colorado.

Online Registration and Scheduling

With the Credentia Platform system, exam registration is quick, convenient, and an environmentally responsible way to register for your examination. This process will eliminate the transit time associated with mailing a paper application. A detailed step-by-step reference guide on how to create a Credentia Platform account and register for exams can be found at How to schedule an exam? - Credentia Self-Help Guides.

After completing a Colorado state-approved training course, you will create an online account with the Credentia system. To create a Credentia Platform account, visit our website at, click the “Credentia Platform Login” button and select “Sign-Up.”

  • To create a Platform account, go to Click the “Credentia Login” button on the top of the Colorado Medication aide website.
  • You can pay by credit card or pre-paid credit card (American Express, MasterCard, Visa, ACH/ electronic check, PayPal, or electronic voucher). Fees are non-refundable and non-transferable once you’ve paid.
  • For Written online exams, you can schedule an exam as early as one day following registration, depending on when exam availability.
  • For assistance, reach out to Credentia’s Candidate Support at 888- 204-6249.

Exam Scheduling

To schedule an exam, please create your Credentia Platform account first. Note: Because you will be using your Credentia Platform account throughout your career as a Medication Aide, it is best to use an email address that you will always have access to like a Gmail, iCloud, or yahoo account. 

Once your account is verified, you can begin the application process. Please feel free to review our “How to Register for an Exam” quick reference guide. This and other helpful guides can be found on our CO MACE webpage at

After you have successfully created your Credentia account:
• Hit the “Register for Exam” 
• Select Exam Type, date, and time you wish to test and add to the online cart. 
• Proceed to checkout and select your form of payment. 
• When completed, you will receive a Confirmation Notice and Receipt of Payment via email.

NOTE: Because you will be using your Credentia Platform account throughout your career as a Medication Assistant, it is best to use an email address that you will always have access to like a Gmail, iCloud, or Yahoo account.


Credentia complies with the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act as amended. The purpose of accommodations is to provide candidates with full access to the test. Accommodations are not a guarantee of improved performance or test completion. Credentia provides reasonable and appropriate accommodations to individuals with documented disabilities who demonstrate a need for accommodations.

Test accommodations are individualized and considered on a case-by-case basis. All candidates who are requesting accommodations because of a disability must provide appropriate documentation of their condition and how it is expected to affect their ability to take the test under standard conditions. This may include:

  • Supporting documentation from the professional who diagnosed the condition, including the credentials that qualify the professional to make this diagnosis.
  • A description of past accommodations the candidate has received.

Visit to review the accommodation process and required supporting documentation.

Holiday Schedule

The examination (written and online) will not be scheduled on the following holidays or holiday weekends:

  • New Year’s Day / Eve 
  • Martin Luther King Jr. Day 
  • Memorial Day / Weekend 
  • Independence Day / Weekend 
  • Labor Day / Weekend 
  • Thanksgiving Day / Weekend 
  • Christmas Day / Eve