Exam Day Online
You can take your Online Written exam from home or work through Credentia online proctoring.A live proctor (someone who supervises the test) will securely monitor you through the webcam on your workstation. Online exams also offer you more scheduling flexibility than test center exams to fit with your schedule.
Please visit www.credentia.com/online-exams for information on what to expect and how to best prepare for your online exam. We also recommend that you click on the “Policies & Procedures” link on this webpage to review the exam rules and procedures.
What You'll Need
- A properly equipped computer, a desktop, laptop, or Chromebook with a single monitor (no smartphones or tablets). Visit https://credentia.com/online-exams to view or download system requirements.
- A private room - if you don't have access to a private room, check with your training program or local library for availability.
- A mobile device - to complete a 360-degree room scan, you will need a smartphone or tablet (Apple or Android) that can download our free app.
Before Exam Day
- Perform a system test – make sure to do the required system test and exam simulation before exam day. Visit http://www.credentia.com/online-exams and select the “Run System Test” button.
- Find your testing space – Find a quiet, distraction-free area in your home or office to take your exam.
- Get your ID ready - You are required to bring two (2) forms of official, signature-bearing identification (one of which must be a photo identification). Photocopies of identification will NOT be accepted.
The name on your identification must be the same as the name you used on the application to register for the examination. If you do not have proper identification, you will not be allowed to take the test and your examination fee will not be refunded.
IMPORTANT: If you can’t take the test because of this, it still counts as one of your 3 chances to take the exam because you were not prepared — please have the correct forms of identification!
On Exam Day
STEP 1: Prepare your testing space.
- Quiet: no background noise and inform members of your household you are taking an exam.
- Well lit: proctors must be able to see you and your testing space well.
- Privacy: no one else in the room.
- Remove prohibited items: clear workstation area to expedite room scan.
- Restroom/Beverages: use restroom and prepare beverages before exam.
STEP 2: Have your ID ready.
- Have your government issued photo ID with you.
STEP 3: Prepare your computer.
- Disconnect any additional monitors and close all other open applications.
- Have your chargers (laptop, smart phone or tablet) plugged in or nearby.
- Use a wired internet connection rather than WiFi, if possible.
- If using WiFi, we recommend at least 3Mbps and ask that other household members do not use the internet during your exam.
- Disconnect any VPNs or firewalls if you have them.
STEP 4: Download the ExamRoom AI app.
- Download the ExamRoom AI app to your smartphone or tablet and have your Credentia Platform login credentials available (the user name and password for your Credentia Platform account). This app is required to complete a 360-degree room scan.
STEP 5: Check-in for your exam
• When to check-in - you can begin the check in process up to thirty (30) minutes prior to your appointment. Your onboarding agent will make sure everything is ready for your exam before introducing your proctor. Visit https://credentia.com/online-exams to view or download detailed check-in procedures.
• How To Check-In: go to https://credentia.com/test-takers/scmace and click the “Login” button. Once logged in, find your scheduled exam and select the "Start Exam" button